Top 3 FREE Stock Photo Sites

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Sometimes when you're blogging you just can't take the right photo. When you need a photo your first thought is to go to google. But that isn't good! Using Google Images can lead to copyright claims, you being sued and your blog being hidden from Google Search or worse deleted all together.

This is where stock photo sites come in. These sites offer copyright free photos.Some sites charge for these photos but there are somsites that offer stock photos for free! Today I've included my favorite 3.

These are the 3 sites I used the most. They are the only ones I use actually. I like these sites the best out of all the free sites I've checked out for a few reasons

For one these three have a search function. Some of the other sites have searches but a lot of them didn't work quite right or the photos weren't tagged well so they didn't show up well in searches.

The selections on these sites are pretty good tooSome of the free site didn't have much of a selection at all.
 There are a ton of images on pexels and pixabay. There are a bunch on unsplash too but not as many as the other two.

I also really love the quality of the photos on these sitesAll of the ones I'm downloaded have been high quality and look great.

Here are some unedited photos from each site. 




A little tip with using stock sites always give photo credit to the site whether or not you are required to. The free sites are run on user submissionsSomeone may have uploaded a photo they didn't own.

I put credit at the bottom of the posts and I have a disclaimeon my disclaimer page on ZombieGoddess Beauty that states:

"These sites insure that all their images are royalty free and free to use however the photos are uploaded by their users so it is possible that photos were stolen and uploaded to these sites. If this happened and I'm using one of your photos please let me know. I'd be happy to change the attribution on the post or page to link to you and your work or I can take down the image if your prefer."

Are there any free stock sites you like that wasn't on my list? Do you use stock sites? Or do you only use your own images? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

xoxo, Cassie

About The Author

My name is Cassie. I write a beauty, geek & lifestyle, a little bit of everything blog. I'm a nerdy gamer with a lipstick addiction & a true makeup obsession. I created GirlsWhoBlog to retweet great blog posts and share other bloggers content! I am so excited that it is now a fully fledged blog!


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