Claire of Claire's Year | Featured Blogger

Hello everyone! I'm so excited to bring you a featured blogger! Today's blogger is Claire of Claire's Year! Check her out!


Claire // Claire's Year

Hi, my name is Claire and I run the blog, which is currently about my gap year and how I have managed it while struggling with anxiety. I write about my experiences, my thoughts and anything that has contributed to my gap year.



How did you discover blogs/blogging?

When I was around 14 years old (5 years ago) I discovered Sammi’s blog (now as well as her YouTube channel and I thought she was the coolest person in the entire world. I was so unprepared for the world of make-up and was looking for a big sister figure to help guide me and I guess I thought I found it in her. I then went on to discover Zoella, Tanya Burr, Inthefrow and many more.

When did you start blogging?

I started blogging in September 2016 so I haven’t hit my one year mark yet. Still a baby blogger.

Why did you start blogging?

I started my blog because, before I started my gap year, I wanted to read about some else’s story about having a gap year while struggling with anxiety but I just couldn’t find it. All of the gap year blogs seemed to be so adventurous and “once in a lifetime” and I just wanted a year to stop worrying about everything. I felt like it wasn’t normal to have a stay at home gap year and I didn’t want anyone else to feel like that so I started to create the blog that I wanted to discover around this time last year.

What is your favorite topic to write about?

I love when I have a subscription box to review. As well as Claire’s Year, I have also started a business with my Mum called helpmeorganics, which is a lifestyle (and soon to be skincare) company and we feature in a number of subscription boxes and each time I review them. I find it SO exciting when they arrive at my door as it’s a massive milestone for us. We only started in December 2016 and we are getting known more and more each day. It really excites me and I think the passion shows in my subscription box review blog posts.

What is your favorite thing about blogging?

I adore the love in the blogging community. I haven’t experienced any negativity, rivalry or anything similar. All of my comments are so heart-warming and it makes writing a post worthwhile.

What is your biggest blogging pet peeve?

If it counts, I find Instagram my biggest pet peeve. My blogging Instagram account used to have a theme but I found it so hard to match every picture with one another so now I just post whatever I want. The bloggers that has beautiful Instagram themes are very talented.

Describe yourself in 3 words or phrases.

Protective, funny and organised

Describe your blog in 3 words or phrases.

Comforting, real and positive

Where did your blog name come from?

I plan on blogging throughout my time at university and I will be splitting up the stages of my life in years so people can see what I was up to on my gap year, first year, second year and so on.

What 5 posts are you most proud of?

I am very proud of my “I Can’t Believe I’m An Adult” post as it has been nominated for a Teen Blogger Award. I think I am at an age in my life where I am the most confused about adulthood and how much you just get thrown into it. It was really nice to hear about everyone else's thoughts on the topic and how many other people my age feel exactly the same and that is why it is the post that I am most proud of.

I also love my "Why A Gap Year" post as it was the second post I ever written and it helped me confirm to myself why I am on a gap year. It was around the time that people were starting to give me a little bit of feedback from my first post and that gave me so much confidence to be completely honest about why I wasn't sat in a university hall at that moment. Again, the feedback was so positive that it gave me enough confidence to keep writing blog posts and enjoy it.

Within the same theme, I have my "Why I've Decided to Live Away For University" post. This came at a massive part in my gap year so far as, for all of my life, I never ever thought I would have the courage to go to university, never mind decide to move away. I feel like, every time I read this, I feel more and more proud of myself for actually filling out an accommodation form and paying my deposit. It's crazy, but I think I need to do it.

My April round up post was quite an important post for me. It was the first time that I really evaluated my anxiety levels and shared them on my blog. Writing that post confirmed to me how long it had been since I last had a panic attack and it made me so happy. I loved writing that post so I didn't really mind what feedback I had, I would still have been proud of it.

Finally, we have my "The Unibox" post. Not only was this the first subscription box that our company (helpmeorganics) had been featured in but it was also the very first time a company had actually sent me something to review. I remember having a lie in because it was my first day off in a while and waking up to the subscription box sitting on our table in the living room. I was SO excited that I took my blog pictures, written my whole blog post and uploading it that same day. Not only were the people at the Unibox so surprised at my speed but so was I. My excitement was immense and I felt so important. I was very proud and that's something I love to remember.

What camera and photo editing software do you use?

I use the Nikon D5200 for taking the majority of my pictures then I edit them using a software that came with the computer that I am using. It isn’t anything fancy but it does the job for me.

What is your dream campaign?

I would adore for a mental health charity to approach me and ask me to have a meeting with a few people who are struggling with their mental health that are considering a gap year. My gap year has been a complete game changer for my mental health and I can’t be the only person who can have this kind of response to one.

How do you come up with posts ideas?

I could be doing anything and a blog post idea will come to me and I have a mini notebook that I keep in my bag that I write everything in. Some ideas have been a little odd but have lead on to some much better ideas so I write everything down.

How do you stay motivated to keep writing?

I love it. I wouldn’t be blogging if I didn’t enjoy it or required a lot of motivation. I think it works not putting pressure on yourself. Yes, I don’t have a specific time to upload on a specific day but that has meant that I have never forced words down onto paper.

What advice would you give to new bloggers?

Enjoy it and don’t rush it. Grow your blog slowly and naturally so that you can get used to blogging and how amazing it can be. Also, before you start, have a think about what you would like to write about.

Thank you for checking out today's Featured Blogger! Make sure to check out her blog and social media! Do you want to be a Featured Blogger? Check out the details here.

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